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The Social Services Association and the Association of Hajj and Umrah company mills south of Cairo, Giza, to provide for the coming care of the workers and their families:

1 - Umrah and Hajj.  
2 - A cash advance.   
3 - Summer holidays supported. 
4 - Subsidized travel.   
5 - Bus workers.        
6 - Financial assistance in cases (death - marriage - separation - disaster)
7 - Honoring outstanding students in the study of children of workers.
8 - To ensure an orphan

The fund insurance for the company's employees with insurance coverage for members of participants, regardless of insurance benefits up to a maximum (65) a month subscription fee for the following cases: -

1 - permanent partial disability .   2- Disability total .     3- Death .     4 - Reserve member retirement age .

5- The distribution of loans to members of a soft interest .

       6 - Providing health care at low cost to the families of employees and former employees 


Health care for the company's employees Health care For the company's employees

The service is the company's employees to the medical specialist clinics at the company's pyramid, and clinics general practitioner productive sectors or Paljhat specialized medical and contracting with the company motion which read as follows :-
First: - Medical Center and at the company's main production sites: 
1 - Dental clinic.
2 - Ophthalmology Clinic.  
3 - Internal Medicine Clinic. 
4 - Clinic sonar and EKG .
5 - Medical Laboratory.

Second: - Medical entities contracting with the company
1 – Hospitals.
2 - X-ray centers.
3 - Centers for Physical Therapy. 
4 - Coefficient of medical tests.
5 - Unit of critical situations .
6 - Medical students. 
7 - Doctors Specialists. 
8 - Pharmacies.

The company contributed in a different surgical operations in specialized hospitals.,
The company also provides dialysis service for patients with kidney failure and treatment of tumors.

A summary statement of the financial contributions provided by the companyIn the framework of corporate social responsibility Value per thousand pounds
About activity 2007/2008 2008/2009 1/7/2009 to 31 March 2010
number of Beneficiaries Value number of Beneficiaries Value number of Beneficiaries Value
1. society            
2-Custom configured for social responsibility   750   300  


Such refund almasry community service           375
Personnel services            
1. support to the health care system in 2008/2009   1923   2603   2648
2. our company benefits in kind during 2008/2009   386   612   281
3. support the company's resorts Association Services – syndicate Committee "   65   40   30
-Maintenance of mills noise reduction            192
-Remove junk   2   2   3
-Create umbrellas on flick wheat to maintain working environment           253
Total 2918 3162 2826 3594 2734 3782